New Desoto Suburban 1946/8 (Canoe) Royal Maroon View larger

Desoto Suburban 1946/8 (Canoe) Royal Maroon


Desoto Suburban 1946/8 (Canoe) Royal Maroon

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£ 10.00

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Desoto Suburban 1946/8 (Canoe) Royal Maroon

Desoto Suburban 1946/8 (Canoe) Royal Maroon

Desoto Suburban 1946/8 (Canoe) Royal Maroon


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The DeSoto represents the car which the company first made in 1946 immediately after World War II. It was different from its predecessors in that it had four doors and could seat eight people.

The original car was fitted with a roof rack authentically replicated on our model, and to which Oxford have added a realistic upturned brown wood effect canoe fastened to the rails with two black straps. Our stately maroon model has a mahogany brown interior and dashboard with cream seats and steering wheel, registered as NY.894 NY 46.