PO Earl of Dudley's Round Oak Works Peckett W4 Class (Open Back Cab) 0-4-0ST 'Lady Edith' - Era 2 View larger

PO Earl of Dudley's Round Oak Works Peckett W4 Class (Open Back Cab) 0-4-0ST 'Lady Edith' - Era 2


PO Earl of Dudley's Round Oak Works Peckett W4 Class (Open Back Cab) 0-4-0ST 'Lady Edith' - Era 2

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ScaleOO (1/76)
Size18.2 x 5.8 x 11 cm
AssemblyReady to use

£ 139.99

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PO Earl of Dudley's Round Oak Works Peckett W4 Class (Open Back Cab) 0-4-0ST 'Lady Edith' - Era 2

PO Earl of Dudley's Round Oak Works Peckett W4 Class (Open Back Cab) 0-4-0ST 'Lady Edith' - Era 2

PO Earl of Dudley's Round Oak Works Peckett W4 Class (Open Back Cab) 0-4-0ST 'Lady Edith' - Era 2


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Unofficially known as the 'Earl of Dudley's Railway', the Pensnett Railway, which served Round Oak Steel Works, originated in 1829 and became an amalgamation of the Kingswinford Railway and the Pensnett Railway.

Management of the railway came under the control of the mineral agents of the Dudley Estate and in 1900, Peckett Works No. 488/1890 Lady Edith was purchased to work over the system. Rebuilt at Castle Mill Works in 1920, the locomotive survived until 1934.