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Book "Shows You How" - No 5 - Wiring the Layout - Part 2: Advanced
This booklet is a companion to our booklet Wiring the Layout Part 1 (No 4), and takes the exploration of basic wiring techniques on to look at more advanced electrical projects. See also booklet Wiring the Layout Part 3 (No 21)
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Scale | Suitable for several scales |
16 pages.
The Peco 'Shows You How' series of booklets give practical, clearly laid out information and instruction on a wide range of model railway topics. This booklet is a companion to our booklet Wiring the Layout Part 1 (No 4), and takes the exploration of basic wiring techniques on to look at more advanced electrical projects such as Cab Control. See also booklet Wiring the Layout Part 3 (No 21) which explains the neccesary wiring for Electrofrog 3 Way Turnouts, Crossings and Single and Double Slips.
All modellers, regardless of their skill levels, need a little help sometimes. One source of help is reference material. This can range from magazine articles, web-sites, modelling forums and in print. And, of course, you can always seek advice from your local model shop. One of the best printed sources of knowledge is the Peco “Shows You How” series of information booklets. Together, these cover many aspects of railway modelling. This one covers more advanced topics concerned with the potentially daunting task of wiring your layout.