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Plastic Soldier Company
German Pak38 Anti Tank Gun
1/72nd German Pak 38 anti tank gun: 4 guns and mid-late war crews in the kit. Each gun sprue also gives the option to build a Pak 97/38 75mm (captured French 75mm barrels) and there are plenty of rounds, ammo cases and spent shells to customise your bases or dioramas. Each gun has 6 crew figures to allow those Battlegroup Kursk players to field extra loader teams
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German Pak38 Anti Tank Gun
1/72nd German Pak 38 anti tank gun: 4 guns and mid-late war crews in the kit. Each gun sprue also gives the option to build a Pak 97/38 75mm (captured French 75mm barrels) and there are plenty of rounds, ammo cases and spent shells to customise your bases or dioramas. Each gun has 6 crew figures to allow those Battlegroup Kursk players to field extra loader teams