Red (5) & Fallow (7) Deer View larger

Red (5) & Fallow (7) Deer


Red (5) & Fallow (7) Deer

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ScaleN (1/148 - 1/160)
AssemblyReady to use

£ 16.75

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Red (5) & Fallow (7) Deer

Red (5) & Fallow (7) Deer

Red (5) & Fallow (7) Deer


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Red (5) & Fallow (7) Deer

Are you choosing figures for an arts and crafts project?

It may surprise you to know that the average size of an N gauge figure is just 1cm tall, great for N gauge model railways, not so great for larger arts and crafts projects. You can discover a great range of taller figures by searching for OO gauge figures (twice the size of N gauge) or O gauge figures (four times the size of N gauge).