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ScaleHO 1:87 (OO gauge compatible)
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£ 14.25

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6 Aliens


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OO Scale (1/76) Aliens by Noch

The aliens have landed!

Or have they been living among us for a long time? Since the Roswell Incident of 1947 when a UFO crashed, extraterrestrials have been on everyone’s lips! Little green men apparently always land on earth in their flying saucers. However, our extraterrestrial beings are more of a grey colour. Some of them are armed with laser guns. Their silver armour not only protects them but also acts as a space suit that supplies them with life-sustaining materials. As well as laser guns, transponders and radio equipment, some aliens are wearing a helmet. Only Fred has been totally confused since the crash and is looking around for help.

Are you choosing figures for an arts and crafts project?

00 gauge offers the best range and variety of figures on the market. We want your project to be a great success and we are sure you will be delighted with your purchase, but please be aware that the average 00 gauge figure measures 2cm in height. If you require something a little larger, 0 gauge (approximately 4cm tall) or G scale (approximately 8cm tall) may provide you with a great solution.
