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  • What is H0 gauge?
    What is H0 gauge?

    ​The simplest way to answer that question is to take 1 foot of real life railway and shrink it down to 3.5mm and there you have it, H0 gauge.But it is not quite that simple because when you shrink down engines, rolling stock, buildings and...

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  • What is DAS?
    What is DAS?

    DAS is an air-drying clay. When dry it can be sanded and painted. It is ideal for many model making applications such as buildings, walls, terrain, even school projects, you name it! You are only limited by your imagination. When using DAS make...

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  • What is 4mm scale?
    What is 4mm scale?

    4mm scale in railway modelling terms is the most popular scale. It is 4mm of the model being one foot of the real thing. This gives a scale of 1:76. While most people would refer to OO gauge and 4mm scale interchangeably, this is not fully...

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  • What is a railway turntable?
    What is a railway turntable?

    A turntable is a means of turning your engine around. An example of this would be, if you have several engine sheds at the end of your layout, you would have track coming from each of your sheds leading up to the turntable. When you drive your...

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  • What is Wire Glue?
    What is Wire Glue?

    Wire Glue is an electrically conductive glue/paint which has many uses in the hobby world.  It is ideal for both AC and DC circuits that carry low voltage, such as the ones used on model railways. One example I can think of is joining wires and...

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  • What is a bow pen?
    What is a bow pen?

    A bow pen also known as a ruling pen was designed in the early 1900’s for draftsmen for drawing straight lines of different thicknesses. These pens resemble a fountain pen to a certain degree with two tapered metal foils coming to a point and...

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  • Is a vertical track cutter better than a standard track cutter?
    Is a vertical track cutter better than a standard track cutter?

    Although both a vertical cutter and a standard one do the same job, they do have different purposes. The vertical track cutter allows you to cut track which has already been secured to your base board whereas the standard cutters allow you to cut...

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  • What happens if I mix enamel and acrylic paint?
    What happens if I mix enamel and acrylic paint?

    There is an unwritten rule that you do not mix enamel and acrylic paint as they are completely different in their makeup, enamel being a solvent based paint and acrylic being water based paint. In all my years of modelling I have never tried to...

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  • What is the permanent way?
    What is the permanent way?

    The term permanent way refers to the ballasted track. This is what is usually called in the UK the railway track and in the US railroad track. It encompasses the rails themselves, the sleepers (or ties in the US), fasteners, chairs and ballast as...

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  • What is Next18?
    What is Next18?

    Next18 is a DCC decoder standard that is smaller than existing decoders and designed to fit in to locomotives that have limited space, such as N gauge engine and and OO gauge steam engines. The maximum size of a decoder is about 15mm x 10mm. The...

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  • Can I use ground cork ballast rather than gravel ballast?
    Can I use ground cork ballast rather than gravel ballast?

    Traditionally gravel ballast has been the forerunner for track beds in railway modelling and gives your layout an authentic look, and is still used as the main form of ballasting today. Ground cork ballast is relatively new in comparison but...

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  • What is an end to end layout?
    What is an end to end layout?

    When most people think of a model railway, they think of an oval where the train can go around and round. With an end to end layout, as the name suggests, the train runs from one end of the layout to the other and back again. This is a good way...

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Showing 1177 to 1188 of 1381 (116 Pages)