Latest Tips



Enamel or acrylic, but also varnish or weathering : the best choice for each case.

  • What is masking fluid used for?
    What is masking fluid used for?

    Masking fluid works the same way as masking tape, only it comes in liquid form and is brushed on.Once painted on and allowed to set, masking fluid will keep an area paint-free while painting the rest of a model. Masking fluid can be...

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  • How long does it take for enamel paint to fully dry?
    How long does it take for enamel paint to fully dry?

    Most enamel model paints will be fully dried (cured) between 48 and 72 hours after application.Of course, there are always exceptions to the rule, and a lot depends on the type of enamel paint used, how much of it is applied, and where it is...

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  • Do I need a compressor to use an airbrush?
    Do I need a compressor to use an airbrush?

    Airbrushes can be somewhat mysterious to anybody who doesn't already own or have experience using one. Probably the biggest and most unfortunate surprise for any modeller is the discovery that when buying an airbrush, it often doesn't include the...

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  • How do I strip paint from a model safely?
    How do I strip paint from a model safely?

    There are many ways to strip paint from a model, some modellers have had success using IPA alcohol, others have ruined their models using brake fluid. But the best way to ensure a safe and reliable way of removing paint from a model is with the...

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  • What is pre-shading?
    What is pre-shading?

    Pre-shading is an advanced painting technique used by modellers to give their models depth.It involves painting parts of a model with a dark colour to represent shade. Pre-shading is applied after the primer but before the top coat.In...

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  • How do I know if my paint is too old?
    How do I know if my paint is too old?

    If like most modellers, you have an abundance of used model paints lying around, you will be familiar with the pang of trepidation experienced when you reach for a tin off the shelf to see if it's still useable.Usually, whether or not it can...

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  • What is a paint filter for models?
    What is a paint filter for models?

    A filter is a very thinned paint, it is applied to change the hue of models as a whole without discriminating specific areas or detail.Filters are often confused with washes which are used to pick out certain areas such as panel lines, rivets...

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  • What is metal burnishing fluid used for?
    What is metal burnishing fluid used for?

    Metal burnishing fluid is used to weather white metal models.The fluid has been specially formulated to work quickly and effectively. Just a few seconds exposed to the formula is all it takes for white metal to start ageing in front of your...

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  • What is a double action airbrush?
    What is a double action airbrush?

    A double-action (or dual-action) airbrush is a regular airbrush with a control button/lever that regulates both air and paint flow.A regular airbrush has a button or lever that will start the air flowing. The resulting air stream will pick up...

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  • Which brand of paint is the best?
    Which brand of paint is the best?

    If you ask forty accomplished modellers which brand of model paint is best, you will get forty different answers. So where do you start if you are a modelling newbie?The truth is, if you are new to modelling, paint will pretty much be paint....

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  • What type of paint is needed to weather models?
    What type of paint is needed to weather models?

    When it comes to weathering models successfully, a mixture of techniques, research, products and equipment are all required to achieve desirable effects, and each element is as important as the next. Here we are looking specifically and what types...

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  • What is the hairspray chipping technique?
    What is the hairspray chipping technique?

    The hairspray chipping technique has been around for decades, but recently it seems to have been rediscovered and is being talked about on many forums. And with good reason too because the effects achievable using the technique are truly...

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Showing 85 to 96 of 203 (17 Pages)