Plastic Weld from EMA is an indispensable adhesive for scale modellers and hobbyists working with plastic kits. Its...
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Leyland FG Van - BR Railfreight
Karrier Bantam Van - British Railways
Foden DG Ballast & Low Loader-GWR+ Sparetrail
Leyland FG Crewbus - British Rail Green
Foden DG Drawbar Low Loader - Britsh Railway
Leyland FG Integral Van - Rail Express Parcels
Leyland Octopus - BRS-SheffieldPlastic moulded model with a metal chassis.
Duple Dominant II Coach - Maidstone & Dist
Duple Dominant II - Green Line
Leyland Atlantean PR - Southdown NBC
Duple Dominant II Coach - Grey Green
Leyland Atlantean PR - East Yorkshire NBC
Duple Dominant II - National Travel N.East
Commercial vehicle in branded livery - Karrier Bantam Van - British Railways
Karrier Bantam Artic flatbed British Rail
Leyland FG 2 Axle Box Van - Mothers Pride
Commercial vehicle in branded livery - BRISTOL HA ARTIC - BRITISH ROAD FERRY (19)
Leyland FG 2 Axle Integral Van - White
Commercial vehicle in branded livery - LEYLAND FG - WHITTLES BAKERY SUNBLEST (20)
Leyland FG 2 Axle Box Van - Sunblest Bread
Karrier Bantam 2 Axle Drinks Lorry - Yellow