Mainline Railways was a British model railway brand that operated between 1976 and 1983, introduced by Palitoy, the...
No products
B Taylor Builders (Auf Wiedersehen) Bedford HA Van
O-16.5 (NG7) GVR Brakevan Laser-cut Kit
(NG7) V Skip Side Tip Wagon Laser-cut Kit
O-16.5 (NG7) GVT Open Wagon (3) Laser-cut Kit
Painted Red Telephone Box
6mm Winter Static Grass - 100g
6mm Winter Static Grass 50g
4mm Winter Static Grass - 100g
4mm Winter Static Grass 50g
2mm Winter Static Grass - 100g
2mm Winter Static Grass 50g
0.5mm Snow Scatter - 100g
0.5mm Snow 50g
Drain & manhole covers - brass Unpainted Kit O Scale 1:43
Stone Wishing Well & Bucket Unpainted Kit ( O Scale 1/43rd)
Painted 5 x assorted Seagulls O Scale
SR Lattice Home Semaphore Signal
O Gauge Setrack Starter Set Code 124 Bullhead Rail
PECO Lineside O Pile Of Tyres
PECO Lineside O Round Hay Bales x 2
PECO Lineside O Half Barrels x 3
PECO Lineside O Barrels On Side x 3
PECO Lineside O Barrels x 3 Small
PECO Lineside O Barrels x 2 Medium
PECO Lineside O Barrels x 2 Large
PECO Lineside O Oil Drums x 3 Assorted
PECO Lineside O Oil Drums on Side x 3 Assorted
Smoke Unit for O/G/G1 (11-16V)
Smoke Unit Only for O/G/G1 (14V)
Smoke Unit for O/G/G1 (16-22V)
Smoke Unit Only for O/G/G1 (16-22V)
Painted 3 x Fishermen/Trawlermen
Painted Coal Merchant Coal Sack & Scales
Painted 3x Farm Workers (coat/hayfork/Drinking)
Painted 3 x 50's Women Standing
Painted 3 x Victorian/Edwardian Women Standing
Painted 3 x Seated Women
Painted 3 x Council Workers & Dustbin
Painted 4 x In Bad Taste Figures
Painted 3 Riverside Fishermen, Rods & Equipment
Smoke Unit Only for O/G/G1
Painted Gardeners roller/mower/barrow
Painted Victorian/Edwardian Washing Line & Lady
Painted Gardeners, digging/watering/sweeping
Painted Washing Line/Fig 50/60's
Painted 3 x Farm Figures (2 sitting one standing)