Plastic Weld from EMA is an indispensable adhesive for scale modellers and hobbyists working with plastic kits. Its...
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LMS Tail Lamps Black
LMS Head & Tail Lamps White (5)Lamps require removing from sprues and gluing in place.
Sr Head & Tail Lamps White (5)Lamps require removing from sprues and gluing in place.
GWR Head & Tail Lamps White (5)
Fire Irons Set for Tender Locos
BR Head & Tail Lamps White (10)Lamps require removing from sprues and gluing in place.
LMS H&T Lamps Black X 5Lamps require removing from sprues and gluing in place.
Lner Head & Tail Lamps Lamps White (5)Lamps require removing from sprues and gluing in place.
LMS Head & Tail Lamps Black (5)
Tail Lamps GWR White (5)Lamps require removing from sprues and gluing in place.
Tail Lamps GWR Red (5)Lamps require removing from sprues and gluing in place.
Tail Lamps Sr (5)Lamps require removing from sprues and gluing in place.
Tramp & cart 1 figure with accessories. Painted.
Dustmen & dustbins 3 figures with accessories. Painted.
GWR Head & Tail lamps white (10)Lamps require removing from sprues and gluing in place.
Tail lamps BRLamps require removing from sprues and gluing in place.
Tail lamps LMS whiteLamps require removing from sprues and gluing in place.
Tail lamps LMS blackLamps require removing from sprues and gluing in place.
Loco Brake Shoes & Hangers (6)
BR Head & Tail Lamps White (5)Lamps require removing from sprues and gluing in place.
Tail Lamps Lner (5)Lamps require removing from sprues and gluing in place.
Brass Whistles GWR Large & Small Bell Type
GWR Station Nameboards with Posts - Small Type (4)
Sr Head & Tail Lamps White (10)Lamps require removing from sprues and gluing in place.