Mainline Railways was a British model railway brand that operated between 1976 and 1983, introduced by Palitoy, the...
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LMS 3 Plank Medium Open Wagon
Rolling Underframe plastic kit OO gauge 1/76 scale.
SR 12t. Box Van, Even Planked
SR/BR 12t. Box Van, plywood sides The trucks and carriages in this range include running number transfers
SR 12t Ventilated Uneven Planked Box Van
Permanent Way Set (4 Wagons)
BR Banana Van as built between 1952-1954
BR China Clayhood with hood fitted from 1973
LMS 9ft Underframe Wagon Wheels included
GWR 12t Box Van built between 1933-1945
GWR Bogie Bolster ‘A’ (with girder load)
10ft GWR Wagon Underframe, RCH fitted